



Bailey Middle School Broncos Athletic Boosters

Bailey Bronco Athletic Booster Club Committees

Working in partnership with the Bailey Bronco Athletic Booster Club Executive Committee, the volunteers who head the following committees are integral to the Athletic Booster Club's success! We thank you for your service!

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall be responsible for conducting the annual membership drive beginning in July.
Co- Chairperson - Volunteer Needed
Co-Chairperson - Volunteer Needed

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for seeking new sponsorships, renewing existing sponsorships and organizing fundraisers to support athletics at BMS.
Co-Chairperson - Volunteer Needed
Co-Chairperson - Volunteer Needed

Concessions Committee

The Concessions Committee shall be responsible for organizing and managing volunteers to work the concessions stand at all sporting events at Bailey Middle School. You do NOT have to work concessions for each sporting event. This position will be responsible for communicating with team parents to make sure that each sport secures volunteers so that concessions can be offered during home sporting events.
Co-Chairperson - Volunteer Needed
Co-Chairperson - Volunteer Needed

Merchandise Committee

The Merchandise Committee shall be responsible for coordinating and selling of Bailey Bronco Athletic apparel.
Co-Chairperson - Volunteer Needed
Co-Chairperson - Volunteer Needed

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall meet and present a slate of officers and members - at large of the Executive Committee to the membership at the regular May meeting.
Don Riehl - Co-Chairperson
Liz Mills - Co-Chairperson

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